St Helens Sutton Athletic Club

News Archives 2002

October News

Rebecca Clague 1989 - 2002

Words cannot express our feelings at losing Rebecca. In the short time we knew     her she made a lasting impression with her personality, determination and willingness to play her part in the team. She came to Bebington after a late night wedding reception and before shooting off to watch the Commonwealth Games' closing ceremony, just to make sure the girls clinched promotion by running the 800 metres. It seemed important then. It doesn't now. What matters now is for Sue, Peter and Steven to know we support them and will always cherish our memories of Rebecca with a smile, just as she wanted us to.


The club has received an award for the purchase of TOPS bags. The bags contain various items of equipment which can be used for introducing athletics to primary schoolchildren. We already have one such bag at the club which is used for demonstration purposes. This, and all other TOPS bags, will remain club property although they will be permanently loaned to interested primary schools to develop an interest in athletics amongst schoolchildren. Dave Morley and Kieron Newcombe have attended a course on introducing TOPS equipment to the schools and will be doing so in the coming months subject to the Committee's approval.


It has been confirmed by the Finance Sub-Committee than no expenditure can be authorised, or garnts applied for, on behalf of the Club without the express approval of the Committee, or the Treasurer acting in his capacity as guardian of the club's finances. Any member incurring expenditure without first receiving approval will be personally liable for expenses incurred.


The club is hoping to host courses for Field Event Judges on two Wednesdays in November. The venue is likely to be the upstairs bar (which will be closed) at the Sports Centre. So far the following have expressed an interest in attending John Irwin, Janet Holmes, Pam Appleton, Gill Bacon, Frank Atkinson, Joe Ehlen, Phil Thomas, Sue Clague, Danny McLoughlin and Julia Hayes. If you want to become qualified so you can help out in an emergency please let Julia Hayes know as soon as possible.

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